Saturday, 5 February 2011

Chapter Twenty - Love The Way You Lie (Teaser #3)

We were so fucking close to the exit now – what had previously been metal flooring was now concrete, and the lighting was growing brighter by the second.

“Edward, how far?!”

“One more door!” he yelled back. “Then it’s the final staircase!”

Monday, 31 January 2011

Chapter Twenty - Love The Way You Lie (Teaser #2)

I felt Edward laugh quietly against my lips after a few seconds and lifted my head, confused. That certainly wasn’t the reaction I’d been hoping for.


“Sorry. I just… I still can’t quite believe that you’re actually…” he trailed off, but I knew what he was going to say. I smiled back at him, gently running my fingers down his face.

We’re pregnant,” I corrected softly. “I know I’m the one who has to carry this baby for nine months, but… It’s our pregnancy, not just mine.”

“You’re amazing. You know that?” he sighed. I felt my eyes start to well up, and silently cursed myself for getting so emotional.

“I’m amazing with you,” I told him truthfully. “Before I came here? Well, the only thing I was good at was my job.” I rolled my eyes again. “Aaaaand I’m getting too heavy. Let’s just go back to you kissing our baby, okay?”

Monday, 24 January 2011

News - Camisado: The Sequel

Like I said in a post over on my personal blog, the details for Camisado's sequel are being sorted, but the rough outline and stuff are all decided upon, including its name!

It will be called Heavy In Your Arms, after one of Florence + The Machine's songs - I have a thing for song lyrics, in case you haven't already realised - and will be from Edward's point of view for reasons I can't say at the moment without spoiling things for you all.

I hope you'll all stick around for it with me, but if you don't, I'll understand.

Here's the first of what will probably be many banners I make for it. I hope you like it!

(Click to make it bigger)

I'm going to go back to writing on Camisado now.

Wish me luck!

Sophy xoxo

Chapter Twenty - Love The Way You Lie (Teaser)

Keeping my back to the wall, I edged closer to the door with my gun out in front of me, listening out for any tell tale sounds. All that greeted me was silence, and I briefly wondered if I was just being paranoid.

Go with your gut, Carlisle had once told me. It’s usually right.

For once, I hoped he was wrong.

Taking in a deep, steadying breath, I reached for the handle and flung open the door in one smooth movement, then stepped out into the room with my finger hovering over the trigger. In the split second it took for me to notice that the bag of Glocks had disappeared from the desk, I realized my mistake.

“Put the gun down.”